Structure and Property Databases
● PubChem - the most important small molecule database (compounds, substances, assays)
● Chemical Lookup Service - the largest collection (30 million) of small molecules
● KEGG database - the metabolite and pathway database
● Pathguide - pathway database collection
● Chemspider - search service for small molecules and property data (with programmers API)
● KNApSAcK - Species-Metabolite Relationship Database from NAIST (Kanaya Lab) and RIKEN
● NMR prediction - NMRPredict software from Modgraph
● NMRShiftDB - largest open NMR data spectral collection (25k experimental spectra)
● CSearchlite - free database of CNMR shift predictions (23 million unique structures from PubChem)
● MMCD - Madison Metabolomics Consortium Database (MMCD) - largest
collection of experimental 1H, 13C and 2D NMR raw spectra
● SetupX - LIMS system storing meta-data and annotated GC-MS results from Fiehn Laboratory
● Mass Spectrum Interpreter - a free tool from NIST for MS fragment annotation and the NIST MS Search
● NIST05, Wiley, Palisade electron impact mass spectral databases + retention indices (NIST05)
● SetupX - Open Repository of GC-MS experiments from Fiehnlab, annotated and assigned metabolomic
profiling rawdata from 1600 public GC-MS samples can be downloaded [content-1] [species]
● MassBase - Download for 2500 GC-MS samples and standards from KAZUSA
● MetWare DB - from Metware Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
● Metlin DB - from Scripps
● MassBank DB - from the Japanese metabolomics initiative
● MassFrontier - spectral tree MS/MS + CID collection
● HMDB - Human Metabolome DB with multiple search interfaces
(adducts, accurate masses)
● MassBank - Large curated repository of MS1 and MS/MS spectra
● LipidBlast - the largest freely available in-silico MS/MS spectral
database for lipid identification